Exhibition – Ritornano i Magi
Artemisia Gentileschi
Rione Terra, Pozzuoli (Napoli) until MAY 31st 2020
The painting created by Artemisia Gentileschi entitled “L’Adorazione dei Magi” following a great success on show at Milan from last October 2019 has returned to Pozzuoli last February 6th. The dominating canvas (310 x 206 cm) is part of a series of masterpieces created for the cathedral of Pozzuoli – Basilica Cattedrale di San Procolo Martire and commissioned by the Spanish bishop Martin de Lèon y Cardenas – dated from 1636 to 1649.
The masterpiece takes position amongst a splendid collection of works created by Beltrano, Fracanzano and de Ribera amongst others, where Artemisia Gentileschi is the only female artist present. Gentileschi was the first female to enter the Academy of Design in Florence – Accademia del Disegno di Firenze in 1616. She was also the first artist to display three canvases simultaneously in one church with the magnificent works – San Gennaro nell’Anfiteatro, i Santi Procolo and Nicea.
Ritornano i Magi – Artemisia Gentileschi
WHERE: Museo Diocesano di Pozzuoli, Rione Terra
WHEN: Until May 31st 2020 – Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
INFO: museo@diocesipozzuoli.org