
Napoli – Vedute, scorci e monumenti

Title: Napoli – Vedute, scorci e monumenti
Author: Marcello Erardi
Format: Paperback/60 pages
Published: October 2017 (Youcanprint)

The city of Naples shines upon an enchanting Gulf. Naples is a millennial city full of art, history and culture and is successfully revealed within the collection of 50 photographs published in this book literally entitled: Naples – Views, glimpses and monuments. Marcello Erardi demonstrates not only his total passion for photography but also the love for his homeland, portraying monuments and landscapes from an interestingly different view. He addresses not only travellers, but also Neapolitans to become tourists and custodians of the city of Naples. Take a look at his Facebook page created in 2013 “Napoli vista attraverso gli scatti fotografici” including over 2200 photo albums and 650 videos giving value to every angle of the city and the enormous historical and artistic heritage. Marcello Erardi has frequently donated numerous photographs, including cover pages to My Country magazine.  This fantastic photographic collection is available from central Naples – directly from the bookshops “Libreria Neapolis” and “Libreria Colonnese”, the museum Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro and online – amazon.it, unilibro.it and bookdepository.com