Tag Archive for: Covid-19 Vaccine

MARCH 09/03/2021   The colour-coded tier system was updated including higher Covid-19 restrictions last February 21st throughout Italy

Many regions changed classification from lower-risk yellow zones to medium-risk orange zones including Campania, Naples.The Campania region is currently classified as a high-risk red zone, together with Basilicata and Molise.

It is predicted that numerous regions will follow – updating from medium-risk orange to red – considered as a high level of risk with a scenario of maximum severity.

Italy’s health minister Roberto Speranza signed the recent order based upon a weekly report provided by the Higher Health Institute (ISS) involving increasing concerns about widespread circulation of new and more transmissible variants.

The latest Dpcm Ministerial Decree was signed by Speranza and the Prime Minister Draghi on March 2nd 2021 to combat and contain the virus emergency – to be respected from March 6th to April 6th 2021.
The new restrictive measures confirm numerous urgent provisions already in force for containment of contagion throughout the national territory and introduce a number of new measures.
The colour-coded tier system classifying Italy into white, yellow, orange and red zones has been confirmed and will be updated according to levels of risk.

  • Face masks are obligatory – indoors and outdoors. Children under six years of age are exempt.
  • Social-distancing of at least 1-metre is still in act.
  • The travel ban between regions is confirmed until March 27th 2021. Travel motivated by proven work requirements or health reasons is permitted as is returning to one’s residence.
  • The nationwide night-time curfew from 10 pm to 5 am has also been confirmed.
  • All schools within red zones are now closed.
  • Any form of crowding is prohibited.
  • Visiting relatives or friends or travel to second homes is NOT allowed (even within your own municipality)
  • Throughout orange and red zones catering services are suspended but take-away and delivery is permitted until 10 pm. In all areas Bars and Café’s are available for take-away services until 6 pm only.
  • Throughout red zones any retail/commercial activity is suspended except for necessary foodstuffs and Pharmacies.
  • The national State of Emergency has been extended to April 30th 2021.

Please note: Italian authorities may impose, extend or further tighten any restrictions with little-to-no-notice – in response to developments regarding the Covid-19 strain.

Rules of conduct in case of any symptoms or doubts about health conditions:
If you have any symptoms such as fever (over 37.5°), breathing difficulty or coughing – stay at home and limit all contacts.  Do NOT go to the hospital or Doctor but call your local Guardia Medica or contact the regional or toll-free numbers:
Information line from Italy 1500
From abroad +39 02 32008345/ 02 89619015
Campania region 800 90 96 99
Use the national emergency numbers 112/118 only if strictly necessary


Latest update 09/03/2021

Latest Covid-19 situation in Italy
*updated: March 15th 2021

As expected, the health minister Speranza has signed the latest decree classifying the regions of Lazio, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Piemonte, Puglia, Marche and the province of Trento as high-risk red zones from today March 15th 2021 (Campania and Molise remain classed as red)
The regions of Abruzzo, Calabria, Tuscania, Liguria, Puglia, Sicilia, Umbria, the Aosta valley and province of Bolzano are now classed as medium-risk orange zones. Sardegna remains categorized as the only lowest-risk white zone.
Current restrictions will remain in place until Easter weekend when the the whole country (except Sardegna) will be classed as high-risk red – even though April 3rd, 4th and 5th will supposedly include the possibility to visit relatives or friends – once per day.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic swept over Italy one year ago, over 100,000 people have died – prompting long lockdowns and forming what may be regarded as the worst recession since WWII. Tightened restrictions in force throughout red zones have also ordered all schools to close and obviously residents have been asked to leave home only for necessary reasons.

Over 6.2 million Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered throughout Italy as of March 12th 2021. It is important to underline that two doses are necessary for the vaccine to be fully effective. So, basically just 1.9 million people in Italy can now be considered as being fully protected against the virus. Obviously this situation and various solutions with a new vaccine programme are at the top-of-the-list – and hopefully a rapid exit from the pandemic.
If you are interested about vaccine news and so much more – then why not take a look at some real details and interesting views from our friend Susan Levenstein MD – “The straight dope on Italian health and medical care” on her active blog www.stethoscopeonrome.com 

(That’s also the frequently highlighted book – Dottoressa An American Doctor in Rome)

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