Tag Archive for: Italian Liberation Day

MY DATES TO REMEMBER – Festa della Liberazione – APRIL 25th (1945)


Numerous nationwide celebrations marking days of importance take place throughout Italy as well as various regional and local holidays.

April 25th is the official annual date that commemorates the liberation of Italy by Allied troops during the Second World War 1945 – Festa della Liberazione.

This special day honours all fallen soldiers and civilian victims who lost their lives during the bitter Nazi retreat in 1945 as well as to honour the Italian Resistance.

On this day back in 1945 thousands of Italians across the nation rose in protest against the previous ruling fascists and Benito Mussolini was shot three days later.

This date marks the liberation, which began in Milan and Turin and was announced by radio, symbolically starting a historic journey that lead to the referendum (2nd June)

and then formed the Italian Republic.

By the 1st of May, Italy was finally liberated – putting an end to fascist dictatorship and five years of war.

Today, celebrations throughout Italy include public parades, festivals and shows full of Italian flags and with a chorus of the popular song of liberation: “Bella Ciao”.  This day is also commonly used to celebrate peaceful protests including social issues such as gender inequality and environmental issues but it still remains an important date to principally honour all who gave their lives.

© My Country magazine – Naples, Italy